What happens when you run four belief systems through Amazon.com’s “Text Stats”?
An original piece for Radar.
From New York, original humor writing & commentary by Brian Sack. Subject to all the flexible quality standards of internet self-publishing.
What happens when you run four belief systems through Amazon.com’s “Text Stats”?
An original piece for Radar.
I completely agree – LLIB wins. How Intelligent is a Designer who hands over the hefty King James Version to a bunch of goat-huffing nomads?
Any god worth a pillar of salt would have handed over a single page, maybe “Love they neighbor” and boomed out “Take a thousand years and when you get this right, you can have the next chapter.”
Just saw your ad from Ebay. Very nice. If you happen upon a surplus of jewel encrusted Wranglers, do let me know.
While I have only just now discovered your site, I am already capable of imagining your thoroughly enjoying this phrase from Amazon regarding SIPs:
“…that appear in the book one or more times…”
Let’s see, if a phrase appears once in the book, it appears at all. If a phrase appears more than once, it appears as well. My only conclusion is that Amazon must have an extra case of “one or more times” in the back room. They should sell it off immediately to prevent the temptation of using its contents willy-nilly. Overstock.com would probably be interested.
Is an “SIP” anything like an “SEP”??
And it came to pass that God told Moses to tell Aaron to surrender unto Sayve Mod the Controller entrusted to the Gay Men of Heigh Lotoo, and leave the Sacred Land of the Eck Spox; that Aaron should seek out that man known throughout all Sigh ber Dom as Brian of the Sect of Banterist and having found him, instruct him that the God of the Bible, in a rare collaboration with the Lesser Dieties of Torah and Koran, did command Moses to tell Aaron to urge Brian of the Sect of Banterist to abandon the godless city of Web, which had for its Word chosen the smallest, least sacrifice-intensive and unchastising of all the Articles of Faith and go rather to the chosen city of Blog, wherein lies the Sacred Artifact, the Leh Therpan zof Theb Rave and there, in the Ex Ellk Ode of Blog, tell Brian of the Sect of Banterist that God doth command him to bring to the Bloggers His Holy Word, that they might be sanctified in ebaysment by receiving aforesaid Word and henceforth follow the first COM+ meant, which God did tell Moses to tell Aaron to be rather emphatic that the Word should henceforth be held forever in the hearts of the Bloggers by reciting them in the morning as they do make preparations for the day’s work; at the noon meal as they curse their evil overlords, known far and wide as the Zchep Boz Ez, and as the sun sets, at the most holy of times made more sacred by the communal partaking of the fermented fruit of the barley, repeat the Holy Word of God as given to Brian of the Sect of Banterist by Aaron who was instructed by Moses who was on the landline to God, to tell Aaron, that the Word should neither be bartered nor sold, but revered by all who heard it, for it is that Truth which is the foundation of all other Truths, subjective or scientifically supported, and this was the Word as given by God to Moses to tell Aaron to bring to Brian of the Sect of Banterist:
“You are bidding on a mistake.”
And thus did Brian of the Sect of Banterist become God’s Prophet to the City of Blog and Keeper of the Legend of the Sacred Artifact, the Leh Therpan zof Theb Rave. Ah, men.