Another testimonial for IN THE EVENT OF MY UNTIMELY DEMISE. Shot in a closet.
WARNING: Contains moderately-priced Chardonnay and a three-year old.
From New York, original humor writing & commentary by Brian Sack. Subject to all the flexible quality standards of internet self-publishing.
Another testimonial for IN THE EVENT OF MY UNTIMELY DEMISE. Shot in a closet.
WARNING: Contains moderately-priced Chardonnay and a three-year old.
I don’t know how you manage to always get me laughing so bad, man. Perhaps it’s the subtlety. Perhaps. I’ll be getting your latest work as soon as I get back to the US (this coming August). I hope bookstores will still have a few copies left. If you’re ever going to have an Italian version I’d like to volunteer for the translation job. That is it.