It’s been a long time since I shouted at a 60 Minutes segment as much as I did last night. Their report on Abercrombie & Fitch was worthy of it though. Fortunately, with the miracle of TiVo you can shout at your TV then go back in time and watch what you cursed over as if it never happened in the first place.
The segment touched on Abercrombie & Fitch’s complicity in the whorification of America. Just like Britney and Christina have opted to sell albums using their pubic region, Abercrombie & Fitch has decided to sell pants using unclothed, apparently unparented adolescents lounging about in streams, fingering one another. It’s about as classy as Larry Flynt in a tuxedo.
That the company has made the decision to take their good name and significant history and tarnish it pandering to horny teens and pedophiles is a shame. It would be just as unfortunate if Tiffany & Co. decided to sell sterling dildos and dress the staff like Courtney Love. But, base marketing and name-tarnishing was not what the segment was about.
What was being called into question was how they hire people to sell their clothes. In particular, how they seem to prefer using pretty people to execute their All American Boy & Girl marketing plan. Another trauma some feel worthy of a class action suit. Amidst much boo-hoo-hoo-ing and quotes in the neighborhood of ‘This is not what America is about,’ the aggrieved parties, who were allegedly judged not pretty enough or not ‘All American’ enough by the retailer, want to force their accommodation. Sadly, that is what America is about. A few minutes perusing will remove any doubts.
There is no reason Abercrombie should be obliged to change their policies (dubbed ‘lookism’) to accommodate people who don’t fit in their plan any more than racially polarized networks like UPN should be forced to have more Asian-themed shows. FUBU is a black clothing line, and as such there should not be controversy over the lack of Cherokee Indians on the payroll. It’s doubtful Katz’s Deli has a wealth of Pentecostal Christians in the management hierarchy.
Individual companies pursuing their own business plans with their own idea of what is good for their business should be, and were for a long time, left alone. One could spend a lifetime pitching shows to Lifetime, but we all know full well that unless it’s about an abused woman gathering the strength to fight back, the execs won’t be interested. What’s disturbing is how easily you could find a lawyer willing to sue them for discriminating against Battlebots.
Litigation has taken the place of common sense. Once you could have suggested seven foot tall guys were among the better basketball players. Now you run the risk of being called heightist by the vertically challenged. Even worse, if you were a four foot tall blind kid with a club foot who wanted to play on the varsity team, there are lawyers who would take your call. For some legal professionals, no cross is too cumbersome to bear.
There is a wonderful story of a businessman denied membership at a posh golf club because he was Jewish. He did not launch a class action on behalf of chosen people not being chosen. Instead, he raised a ton of money and opened a club across the street. Touche. That is what America should be about. Instead, it’s about ludicrous organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Fat Acceptance demanding free airplane seats and wholesale accommodation of gluttony.
Trial lawyers, scourge of many things decent, have fought long and hard to grant us the Freedom To Litigate Everything That Bothers Us. They’ve created such a sense of entitlement that everyone is undoubtedly a victim of something. We’ve all been wronged. It’s why I’m not what Abercrombie is looking for has turned in to I had better be what Abercrombie is looking for.
When a telemarketer who lacked several teeth was laid off because people could not understand what he was saying he didn’t look for a new job, he looked for a lawyer. People no longer play the cards they’re dealt. They instead ask that the cards be reshuffled and re-dealt. If that doesn’t work out, they ask for a new deck. If that doesn’t work, they sue the casino. Alarm bells should have sounded when illegal immigrants started suing for the right to drive. How far is too far? Can someone let the rest of us know?
It’s high time the trial lawyers suffered some setbacks to their unabashed greed and cynical shortsightedness so that we can all go back to the Freedom To Deal With It. Just because some of us lost our moms doesn’t mean we should strike Mother’s Day from the calendar.
We have the freedom to do many things, but forcing others to accommodate what some of us perceive as wrong is not one of them. With alarming frequency and diminishing irony Americans invoke what they feel to be their freedoms, rights and entitlements in an effort to deny the same to others.
From private golf clubs that only want male members to clothing stores that only want a certain look, perhaps it’s time to realize that not everything is a battle that needs to be fought, much less won. I know that as a man I will never wait tables at Hooters. I know I’m too tall to be an astronaut. I know that I can not walk in to Nobu and be seated immediately because I’m not famous. Most of us know these things are not cause for grief, much less litigation, no matter how many lawyers are cheering us on. Perhaps we should tell the others.
Absolutely, 100%, without reservation, stone cold…
I’m sorry, but as an illiterate, I take offense at being excluded from enjoying your site just because I can’t read.
You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.
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Beth Plocharczyk of Crescat Sententia responds (Dec. 15) to Dr. Kurt Kooyer’s Calvin College memoir on medical liability, recently referenced in this space, and takes issue with Kooyer’s assertion that the obligations of the medical profession toward p…
its really criminal.
1) You’re completely right about the overly-litigious aspect of the U.S., and I think frivolous lawsuits — should they be judged to be so — should have to be paid for by the persons/lawyers that initiated the frivolous suits.
2) While I agree with you, I believe some of your generalizations are a bit, well, too general.
My aunt has a severe thyroid condition, which has resulted in severe weight gain. Should she have to buy an extra plane seat, anymore than, say, a paraplegic? Does she deserve to be made fun of by people like you who think all overweight people are that way from overeating?
You seem to be an intelligent, logical person, and your blog is hilarious; I was just surprised/dismayed to see you make such an insensitive and often inaccurate generalization.
Great rant. And I think you hit on a key point with our “Ready-to-sue” society that we now find ourselves in. That point being the failure of people to simply take responsibility for their lives. People refusing to play with the hand dealt them. Just like people are refusing to admit to their own bad decisions and shortcomings. “Well, if I was in a wreck, it’s only because me being left handed has caused me difficulty in signalling for a turn with the turn signal switch obviously engineered for right-handed people.” Like they weren’t simply paying attention. When does it end?
I’m glad to see that I’m not the only preson out there tired of idiots who consistently blame others for their own lack of common sense and foresight. Again… great rant.
seriously dude that shit was funny i dont get why people are so damn sensitive all of the sudden. when did america stop being the home of the brave and become home of the pussies? i dont get it…if we go to a war on the scales of ww2 what are we going to have taught ourselves…to sue the enemy? its bullshit fight for your rights. if your fat and cant fit your ass into a plane seat then lose weight and cancel your trip
amen dude
I’m getting a little tired of hearing all the supposedly non-gluttonous excuses for obesity. Let’s face it: fat is not made from thin air (or any kind of air…). Any weight gain (in the form of fat) MUST result from either a) an increase in caloric intake, or b) a decrease in energy output (exercise). So fatness IS due to either overeating or underexercising, whether you have hypothyroidism, diabetes, bad genes, or some psychologial condition. And no, I’m not skinny. Just honest with myself.
Furthermore, I DO think that people who need two seats should have to pay for two tickets. Even if it’s NOT their own fault: if you are a very skinny person with genetics such that you burn extra calories, so you need extra food at a restaurant, you have to pay for that extra food. You wouldn’t say, “but what if I were a paraplegic? You wouldn’t make me pay for the extra food, then!” because that’s a ridiculous comparison, and in poor taste. If you can’t see the difference… well, you’re beyond hope. Suck it up… or in, rather.
It’s heartwarming to know that there are such non-judgmental, accepting people out there as Jen.
Jen, I pity your lack of medical knowledge and your lack of reading comprehension.
Get an education – and a life, you twit!
omg dude! i am a young blk f and i totally agree with you! everyone has there soap box to agrue… and your right lol people so often forget that they take it to a different level when they are not getting their way… then turn around and ask for the free invitation. lol i work at a&f and i love it!
Wow, all stated was true. Problem is, the corruption exists on both sides of the aisle, i.e. as class-action attourneys but also, in some cases, judges and higher-ups themselves.
“Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.”
-Michael Savage
Daily, Monday-Friday
The country’s being run by a bunch of Liberal Demicans and Republicrats, (also Savageisms,) and stooges.
i love Abercrombie & Fitch
ur madd cuz you cant fit thur clothes! hahaha
right on Jen(but not the other Jen)!!! i agree with u 100%!!!!!!!!!!
This is stupid! Im 16 and I love Abercrombie just because they whorred up the models a little just to sell clothes and beat the competition is not a crime.
You suck!!!
Dude, I can’t let it go- I know it’s been done to death already- but this thing about “large” people on airplanes. It really isn’t more complicated than this, if you’re too big to comfortably fit in one seat you should have to pay for 2. The reason is not important, nobody needs a history lesson on how you got that way, it’s y-our problem and when you cry about the cost of the ticket(s) and how unfair it is you’re basically asking someone to make an exception for your problem and introduce your problem into somebody else’s life. Aren’t regular airline seats small e-nough?? Think about it, the policy really does make sense. Not to mention, few if anyone reads the “Carrier Agreement” on the back of their tickets, it really is a contract that you are making with the airline, legally they’re covered for any indiscrepancies in what they consider “average” occupancy size. They’re the airline and they make their own policies, if you don’t like it, don’t buy a ticket because the act of purchasing the ticket alone is an implied agreement with the specified carrier. It’s not fair? Maybe it feels that way, but what’s so wrong about having some consideration for other people once in while? However you got that large, no one else deserves to have your problem introduced into their lives tha-t is just fair and there is so little of that left anymore.
It’s heartwarming to know that there are such non-judgmental, accepting people out there as Jen.
Jen, I pity your lack of medical knowledge and your lack of reading comprehension.
Get an education – and a life, you twit!
I’m sorry, but as an illiterate, I take offense at being excluded from enjoying your site just because I can’t read.
You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.
Great rant. And I think you hit on a key point with our “Ready-to-sue” society that we now find ourselves in. That point being the failure of people to simply take responsibility for their lives. People refusing to play with the hand dealt them. Just like people are refusing to admit to their own bad decisions and shortcomings. “Well, if I was in a wreck, it’s only because me being left handed has caused me difficulty in signalling for a turn with the turn signal switch obviously engineered for right-handed people.” Like they weren’t simply paying attention. When does it end?
I’m glad to see that I’m not the only preson out there tired of idiots who consistently blame others for their own lack of common sense and foresight. Again… great rant.
This is stupid! Im 16 and I love Abercrombie just because they whorred up the models a little just to sell clothes and beat the competition is not a crime.
You suck!!!