Complaint: Misdemeanor spelling of “storage”; Misdemeanor usage of third person singular present indicative (is) instead of third person plural present indicative (are); Misdemeanor splitting of “overnight” into two words.
Defendant: Overpriced coat check at Jacob Javits Center.
Report: Large, intrusive sign caught attention of officer as he paid too much to check his coat.
Fine: $85
While technically not a grammar issue, I don’t care for the sarcastic tone of the “Thank You” at the bottom of the sign.
Bad font choice, too.
Debating at work – The sentence being debated is, “A good portion of those visitors rides the Fast Cat II to Dry Tortugas National Park”.
Should we use the word, “rides” or “ride”? “A good portion rides” or “vistors ride”. It seems to me that the subject is “portion”, so the sentence should use “rides”. It sounds funny, though and others disagree with me.
What’s the verdict?
Please advise me as to what the word (won’t) stands for? Is it will not? Thank you.
Yes, it changed from “willn’t” over the years.
Is this sentence correct?
“Don’t forget that the future of the earth is dependent on the care of it’s soil and water.”
Particularly concerned about “it’s” – shouldn’t it be “its”?
Grammar Cop: Spell Check
Another issue: subject/verb disagreement (items is). “We are not responsible for items left in the coat check area that IS not represented by a claim ticket.”