If you think me sitting in a studio sweating is exciting, wait till you see what happens when they send me to Fort Wayne, Indiana next week. Did you know when you fly into Fort Wayne an old lady gives you a cookie? No strings attached either. Just a nice lady giving you a cookie and welcoming you to their city. Which is really, when compared to Shanghai or New York, a hamlet. Or house-cluster.
Glenn Beck
CNN Headline News
M-F at 7 p.m. with repeats at 9 & midnight. And other times during the weekend in order to maximize overexposure.
Ughh! This is the fourth time I’ve checked your website to see that I missed the Glenn Beck appearance by a day.
I cant stand how he talks over people…so annoying. Yet another amazing preformance! ;)
I really like Glenn Beck. He is so not politically correct and tells it like it is!
How refreshing. Do you think he may be Charles
Nelson Reilly’s love child?
I wish every show I watch had a public viewer. His “being in a hurry” has denied him some great moments. In his interview with Ron White, White was just beginning to go into being in Vietnam and working as an A&D counselor, and BOOM! Glenn has to go on to the next thing. TV for those with ADD. You do a great job. I hope it’s a regular feature.
Call me nutty, but Mssr. Sack bears a sort-of resemblance to Patrick Burns, a paranormal forensic scientist, starring in Court TV’s new show, “Haunting Evidence,” see: http://www.courttv.com/onair/shows/haunting_evidence/. Those darned posters are posted on telephone booths all over Manhattan.
[ CREEPY posters with eyes that are all 3D ziggly. -B. ]