Banterist underwent some quiet outpatient procedures yesterday, courtesy Dr. Everitz. Nothing major, just some behind-the-scenes adjustments and a few things you may notice:
First off, a shout out to the middle column which now displays the last seven comments posted. Now every time some genius posts a comment because they think I’m Diddy, you’ll know to go check it out and laugh (or cry) at the state of reading comprehension in the US and UK.
We now employ the services of for “Social Bookmarking” which makes it easier than ever to add a particular post to Facebook, MySpace, Digg or whatever else people use when they’re “at work.” You just click on the “Share” button at the bottom of the post and you’re on your way. Emailing entries has been streamlined as well.
The website for my book, In The Event Of My Untimely Demise, has an email list. Signing up will make you privy to wee bits of news on the book – like what New York Times bestselling author Glenn Beck just said about it. I pledge to make sure the emails are infrequent and meaningful.
Did you really NEED to link to the Diddy article again? It’s going to start all over again. Now I have to go look at the lunacy since I last read it. Thanks.