A reader informed me that Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller – entertainers I really enjoy – mentioned my practical joke Your New Monkey on the October 3 “Monkey Tuesday” segment of his radio show.
Apparently we share a mutual appreciation for monkey humor.
Haha, that’s great news Brian. I love Penn and I’ve just finished watching the entire first season of Bullshit – that’s a fantastic plug and a fantastic prank.
Your New Monkey
If you’ve ever wanted to send a friend or worthy adversary a three-page notice about the impending arrival of a gift monkey, this PDF is for you.
He passed right over my favorite part.
“…You can determine the monkey’s mood by studying their faces and looking them in the eye”
Immediately followed by:
“Avoid eye contact with a monkey. They will view this as a “challenge” and attack.”
Anything that puts the monkey above humankind is a sign of progress