My friend Amy has written a book. The book’s running title is Taxi Confidential: Confessions of New York City Cabbies and Passengers.
It’s a mouthful, kind of like my last two titles: In the Event of My Untimely Demise and The Deposition of Lou Bagetta.
Amy is troubled. Deep in her heart she feels like somewhere out there, somewhere not here, is someone with a killer title for her book. Maybe a clever play on the taxi thing. Like Fare Play or A Checkered Past.
Maybe that person with a killer title is you or someone you know. It certainly isn’t Yul Brenner
, who died in 1985.
This is your chance to be in the acknowledgements page of a book. You can drag your friends to Barnes & Noble, take it off the shelf, open it up, point to your name and say, “That’s me!” It could be the start of a proper book titling career. This could be the recession-proof job you were looking for. Or a lark.
This is from Amy herself:
“The book itself is a compilation of true NYC taxi experiences collected from both drivers and passengers, taken from the ’70s through present day. The answer to the question I’m always asked: Yes, there’s a chapter on sex in cabs.
Right now, the cover is going to be semi-graphic, mainly black and white with some bright color worked in, a la Sin City. So the title should reflect this. In other words, “Yellow daisy ride” wouldn’t work. Also, the publishers will want key words somewhere in the title or subtitle for search purposes (taxi, cab, driver, new york city, etc.).
Anyone who successfully names this book will get a big thank you in the acknowledgments, and if they live in NYC, a chocolate milkshake on me.”
And a copy of the book.
No pressure, but she’s got little more than a week before the publisher commits. Leave your ideas in the comments section so no one can claim they thought of it first.
A couple come to mind:
real stories from NYC taxicabs
Checkered Careers:
True Life Stories From New York Cabbies
or the gut-busting …
From the mouth of Cabbies
Along for the ride
Personally, I feel that the running title has great potential. Initially, it sucks the reader in but then it grows long and the reader is out of breath before he finishes saying it. Perhaps it would be best to simply shorten it.
Taxi Confidential: Confessions of a Cabbie
I would read it.
A play on the words :
Cab Slang for taxi
Cabal A group club, may be involved in intrigue or secret underworlds)
Bull – short for bullshit.
“Taxicab Confidential” sounds better & more balanced than Taxi Confidential, so I recommend that. But then shorten the secondary title as someone else suggested, while also trying to jazz it up a little. Right now it’s way too literal and stodgy. Honest, sure, but you can’t sell a minivan by saying “please buy our large-sized petroleum-powered family mobility device.”
Also, “Confessions” I don’t like — that’s for Catholics. So how about:
Taxicab Confidential: 35 Years of Backseat Debauchery
Taxicab Confidential: 35 Years of Backseat “Driving” if you Catch my Drift (that one, you may note, is not serious)
Taxicab Confidential: True Stories from New York’s Taxi Industry
Taxicab Confidential: True Stories from the Cabs of New York
Looking forward. Looking back.
A fare to remember
Yellow blur
Where to?
The meter’s running
Another world
What some people will do
My time
There was this one time…
I’ve got a good one
OK, I’ll stop now
Thru the throng: a taxi’s perspective of NYC
The maddening crowd and NYC cabs
What rush hour? Life of a taxi in NYC
Into the fray; life of a NYC cabbie
Here we go (Amy can ignore these):
What’s That Smell?
Please Slow Down.
Please Go Faster.
Wrong Turn.
Where’s The Seatbelt?
The Weather Is Nice, Yes.
Hailing Frequency: Taxi From Outer Space
Fare-y Tales:Confessions from a New York Taxi
NYCT Blue:
True Stories from New York City Taxi Drivers and Their Passengers
My thoughts:
“On Duty: Taxi Tales”
“Follow that Taxi!”
“This one time at band camp: Taxi Confessions”
“Checkered Lives in a Checkered Cabs”
“Pushing the flag down: Stories from a Cab”
“Meter Jockey Stories:
I’m out. Bryan
“On the Meter, Off the Record” or “On the Meter, On the Record” You could go either way.
Then you could subtitle with “Tales from the Front Seat” or “NYC Taxi Tales,” etc.
Yellowlogue (apologies to Martin Amis)
Latka like you.
The Seats of New York City.
Mean Seats.
Sticky Seats.
The Only Reason Ford Still Exists.
Hello Yellow.
Diet Hello Yellow.
Behind the Plexi.
The Truth Behind the Plexi.
Odors, Motors and Stupid Fucking Pedestrians.
All’s Fare.
Driver Irate. (apologies to Michael Stipe)
What The Fuck? It’s Five Thirty. How Can You Go Off Duty Now?
Hails Army.
Hail in a Handbasket.
I don’t know Greenwich Village.
(bumper sticker graphic) My Other Car Doesn’t Exist.
Did You Just Hit That Guy With the iPod?
1010 Doesn’t Always Win.
Incense and Condom Wrappers.
34th to Bleeker in 37 Years.
Yellow Fever.
Yellow Folly.
Livery and Onions.
Taxi Grab.
Taxi Fab: Trips through the City.
Hmmm… how about:
“Back Seat Driver”
“New York Belted”
“Checkered Rides”
“Cab Tales”
All I can come up with are these few:
“Taxivents” portmanteau of taxi and events (yeah, kinda dumb)
“Life ain’t Fare”
“Death and Taxis”
I would vote for Dennis’s suggestion, “The meter’s running” if I got a vote.
“Hairy purse commerce: New York taxi tales”
Hairy purse should be fairly self-explanatory, btw…
Well, one thing for certain – you still have a large fan base Brian, and apparently we still check in often. You got 17 replies in less than 12 hours. :)
Cabbie Confessions:
a Revealing Ride through the City that Never Sleeps
Backseat Confiders.
Sorry missed the thing about keywords in my first read of the post.
I amend my suggestion to:
Backseat Confiders: Life in Taxis.
A Cabbie Never Tells
“Would I Lie To You?” : NYC’s Taxi Tales
Dashboard Confidential
Shoulda Taken a Cab
Passengers and Passenjerks
Taxi Gab
The Tattling Taxi
Cabbie Chronicles
Tell-All Taxi Tales
If Cabs Could Talk
A Fly in the Cab
Obviously it should be: Stories About People Having Sex in Cabs
I mean, duh.
Frontseat Driving: Stories from New York’s Storied Taxi Cab Psychologists.
I Thought I’d Seen It All : Tales From A NYC Taxi Cab
How about this:
In the Hot Seat
All Hail: Taxi Tales from the Big Apple.
The Rides of Your Life
Subtitle: Real, Wild Stories from NYC Cabs
Every Cab is Checkered
Subtitle: Real, Wild Stories from NYC Cabs
Real, Seedy Stories from NYC Cabs
Taxi Writer
Subtitle: One Woman’s Compilation of True NYC Taxi Stories
The Plexiglass Airbag
Subtitle: Life in a NYC Taxicab
Tour off Duty
Drive Me, Crazy
Passenger 58
Fare Game
A Brief History of Cabs (foreword by Stephen Hawking)
Take Me
Hail To The Chief
ON THE METER, OFF THE RECORD is the current fave.
I briefly scanned the suggestions and can’t believe no-one has offered:
“Are you talking to me?”
Taxi-dermy: Inside the Life of NYC Cabbie
Fare Warning
Subtitle: True tales of New York taxis
Yo Taxi!
“I’ll Walk from Here”
Hey guys,
Thanks for the great ideas! There are seriously so many here. But the publishers are sticking with ‘Taxi Confidential’ – subtitle coming soon.
My personal fave: On the Meter, Off the Record (brilliant).
“I’ll Walk from Here” is also hilarious. It ranks right up there with “What Smells in Here?”