We’re pleased to announce that the Johnny Berlin trailer is available via the miracle of podcasting – an exciting new technology that harnesses the mediocre talents of individuals in cyberspace and disperses them globally.
It is our belief that Johnny Berlin is far from mediocre, Variety having described the documentary as “A short, sharp profile of a man, at once fascinating and vaguely troubled… nearly-an-hour well spent.”
The film is directed by Dominic DeJoseph. The producers are Ted Green and yours truly. The film was exec-produced by Jim McKay and Michael Stipe, a man who gets to wear a leather cap at black tie events.
Johnny Berlin will also be screened in full at the upcoming Sarasota and Santa Cruz film festivals.
Please enjoy the trailer podcast while we determine if/when/how the full film will be distributed. Meanwhile, if you live in Sarasota or Santa Cruz make sure to check out the festivals before you move somewhere more metropolitan.
Johnny Berlin Video Podcast (requires iTunes)
Sarasota Film Festival website
Santa Cruz Film Festival website
Johnny Berlin website
Any chance you will link to a trailer?
[ But… I did. -B. ]
Do you come from sarasota?
I do, and I’m curious if we have mutual acquaintances…
[ Nope. -B. ]