Defendant: The 10 Minute IQ Quiz
Count 1: Misdemeanor typo.
Count 2: Misdemeanor typo in the commission of an alleged test of intelligence.
Report: Officer, who wishes to remain anonymous, was investigating a Facebook advertisement. Said advertisement brought the officer to a website for what claimed to be a ten minute IQ test – presumably for impatient aspiring geniuses. The transgression occurred after the officer was 70% through the endeavor, at which time officer realized the test was, ironically, stupid. It should be noted that IQ tests do not normally pose multiple choice questions answerable by pre-teens.
Fine: $160 and a two minute suspended sentence.
The question reads as though it was written by my marble-mouthed Southern cousin.
Ever’time she speaks, I cringe.
And just to be super-pedantic, none of those answers are correct.
That doesn’t look like a test put out by Mensa as I would expect it to have a logo on it. And no-one can get their IQ through doing a 10 minute on-line test. If they want to know, people should take the supervised Mensa test. In UK that takes more than two hours and two tests.
[ Aside from the people who think I’m Diddy, we’re all smart enough to know this. -B. ]
It is scandalous that you forgot to use hyphens! It should be “10-minute IQ test” and “two-minute suspended sentence.”
Just to be extra-super-pedantic, none of those answers is correct.