Defendant: Unidentified Price Chopper employee tasked with honoring Gene’s memory.
Count 1: Failure to maintain subject-verb agreement.
Count 2: Rendering grammatical malfeasance permanent with granite.
Count 3: Grammatical malfeasance in the commission of a memorial marker.
Report: Officer had just exited a Price Chopper supermarket when he noticed the marker at the base of a flagpole in the parking lot. After initially remarking on the type of people who would dispose of cigarette butts in such close proximity to a memorial
, officer then noticed the infraction and captured it with his iPhone’s mediocre camera.
It should be noted that the Officer saved over $2.00 on a half-gallon of milk because he purchased it 125 miles outside of Manhattan.
Fine: $278 and a re-unveiling of a proper marker for Gene.
Maybe he was a shoeshine guy who was known for giving a light shine.
OK, now I feel dumb. What is wrong with it?
‘Forever a light shine’ is a sentence fragment, but they are acceptable sometimes, right?… Although I’m not sure what it is supposed to mean.
Try rendering it like this: “33 years of service shine a light forever.” You just get some weird effects when word order gets switched up.
Could the cigarette butts be part of the memorial? Maybe Gene was the guy who always gave people a light.
Maybe it was supposed to be “forever a shining light?”
this is just sad, good thing the guys is dead so he cant see what was done to his grave…