Complaint: Misspelling of the designer name “Chanel”; embroidery of said name on countless women’s shirts; still not noticing said error and placing it in a window display; wholesale distribution of a misspelled designer name; attempted copyright infringement.
Defendant: Wholesale “designer” boutique on 37th Street.
Report: Misspelled shirt beckoned to officer from across the street. Officer arrived on scene and witnessed a collection of misspelled shirts inside the store. An APB has been issued in an effort to get all such shirts off the street, as they could be emotionally devastating to anyone caught wearing one amongst people who can spell.
Fine: $200
This would be trademark infringement, not copyright infringement.
Forget the misspelling…a tank top with suspenders? Now that’s a fashion violation.
I imagine the misspelling is an attempt to avoid the claim of trademark infringement.
“I’m not claiming it’s ‘Chanel’! It’s ‘Channel’; that’s an entirely different thing!”
Note that the logo appears to be not-quite-Chanel’s, as well. It looks like there are some extra cutouts in the middle that aren’t present in the original.
Certainly we should continue to over-analyze this until all the humor is gone.
Brian, loving your reply…
If Coco Chanel was still alive, I’d wonder what she say?