Complaint: Misdemeanor spelling of food product.
Defendant: Street vendor outside American Stock Exchange
Report: Officer was giddy over the discovery of incorrect punctuation on an American Stock Exchange doorway when he discovered street vendor peddling improperly named hot dog/mystery meat product.
Fine: $35
The best part is, it looks like they spent money having the sign professionally made.
By the way, am I the only who comments on these things? Come on people, this is funny stuff.
The white letters engraved on a red plastic plaque really pull the customer in, don’t they?
I’m surprised you’ve all never heard of the Jombo – it makes particularly delicous hotdogs.
I ate one of those hot dogs and can only sum it up with one word…eculi.
I rather like the sign; compels the customer to ask the vendor if there is a difference between a jombo and a jumbo — in NY, I would imagine it further compels the vendor to suggest what the customer can do with his query.
Maybe the vendor’s NAME is Jombo? I knew a guy named Jombo, not a nickname or anything.
Maybe he is Jamaican !
“Jombo hotdogs!~”