Complaint: Rendering maxim “The customer is always right” ridiculous by adding an “s” to the end, a misdemeanor; creation of a nonsensical sentence; not noticing this; making offense permanent by painting it on the back of a truck; exposing numerous individuals to said offense by driving across Florida, God’s waiting room.
Defendant: Team Homestead’s multiple-font-using, maxim-mangling graphic design department.
Report: Officer was eastbound on Florida’s “Alligator Alley” at 80mph when the offense was witnessed and passed. Officer opted to slow to a crawl so as to allow offending cube truck to get in front of vehicle, allowing officer to photograph and document the crime.
Fine: $415 and mandatory surrender of all fonts except Helvetica and Futura Extra Bold Condensed.
Only $415? You’re going easy on them. They need to be made into an example for the rest.
Perhaps mandatory slogan sensitivity training would also be in order. This might enable defendant to come up with a catchphrase that is less than 4 lines long.