We live in troubled times, indeed. And I for one am worried.
I’m worried that it’s no longer safe for a drug-addled, 41-year old, 400 pound, parole-violating black man with an enlarged heart to attack cops.
I’m worried that our society has gone so terribly wrong that you can’t just ingest cocaine, PCP and methanol, go to a hamburger joint at 6am, start a commotion and not get killed.
Where is the justice? Where’s the freedom? What is happening to the America I love?
Young men and women are fighting, dying, to protect our freedoms. Every day they’re willing to make the ultimate sacrifice — putting their lives on the line so that 400-pound, drug-crazed men and women of all races can live the lives they want to live. Eat the cheeseburgers they want to eat. Attack the authority figures they want to attack.
All Nathaniel ‘Skip’ Jones wanted was several White Castle cheeseburgers. And to fight with customers and staff. And maybe to attack a few cops who came when they were summoned. But what he got was much worse than White Castle cheeseburgers. What he got was dead.
I thought we lived in a day and age when a 400-pound, drug-crazed black man could assault two thin white cops and live to tell about it.
Well, apparently I was wrong.
We all know what we saw when we saw those cops defending themselves from a 400-pound drug-crazed man attacking them. We saw racism. Because we all know full well that if Nathaniel was a drugged up, 400-pound white ex-con attacking cops at 6am, they would have simply turned the other cheek. Walked away. In fact, they’d probably have bought him a few White Castle cheeseburgers (9g fat/ea). Maybe even high-fived him.
But not Nathaniel. Poor, poor Nathaniel.
I thought we’d come a long way since the march on Selma. Indeed, when O.J. Simpson was found innocent of butchering those two folks I thought, We’ve made real progress’ we’re almost there.
Now I realize how naive I was. There’s still a lot of work to be done. But one day, God willing, it will once again be safe for drug-crazed, 400-pound, black ex-cons to attack policemen and not be at their mercy.
God bless you, Nathaniel. May your death be the catalyst that leads us to a better tomorrow.
You’ll be missed, I assume.
Hey he is not a saint or even a nice guy but I am troubled when ever a person in police custody who has been beaten by police dies in jail.
I’d be concerned too, but he didn’t die in custody – he died as a result of being taken into custody. And of course, that was because they had to use force to subdue his PCP, methanol and cocaine-loaded bad self. Plus he had heart disease from the morbid obesity. The police make mistakes, but in this case it’s going to be tough to make Jones into a Biko.
fyi, he was 350 lbs., not 400. those 50 pounds make a difference if you are talking about his obesity and mentioning his weight many times, no?
yes, i’m the same mac donald’s/mcdonald’s perfectionist, sorry.
Yes, the news seems to have recently shaved 50 pounds off the lad, though he still qualifies as “frickin’ huge” according to ediets.com.
Let got have mercy on you Brian, because with comments like those your going straight to hell! How dare you belittle a man’s life like that. Whether he was in the wrong or not, show some respect! I’m just glad your not out there with our Cincinnati Police pretending……oops I meant “defending” our streets!
Nathaniel Jones may not of been a saint but does that make it right for the police to kill? the vidoe that was released to the public was missing the beging and the end. Both of those parts just “disappeared.” When cops kill they should be put into prison along with all of the other killers. The Cincinnatie police have already murdered 15 black people since 1995. And in that time period, the cops didn not shoot any white people. How many more must die before something is done?
This guy was obviously a peice of dumpster trash. His death was caused by being a fat peice of crap and pumping his body full of drugs. He deserved what he got, and for all those who want to bring God into this….how do you know God didn’t take care of poor Nathaniel for us when he exploded his heart like a bottle rocket?
Do the police have less right to defend themselve’s than anyone else? What would you do if a 350lb man attacked you? Let him, and if you are carrying a gun, are you going to give him ample opportunity to grab that? 12% of cops who die from firearms are killed with their own service weapon. How about before you comment on whether or not the officers acts were just, you learn a fricken thing or two about law enfrocement. Instead, you prefer to make stupid comments about something you know nothing about.
The police “killed” him…yeah…..no. His overexertion resulted from an altercation that he initiated. But hey, it’s the cops fault for showing up…yep.
Yep, the cops forced a life time of cheeseburgers down his throat, jacked him up on PCP and Cocaine, and then forced him to attack them when they showed up to investigate a report of a disturbed person. Yep, damn murderers. Those of you morons who think the cops “murdered him” should pull your heads out of your asses. I will offer my assistance to educate you on police procedures, you can show me how you would respond to a similar situation. I’ll give you the police equipment and you can take my (6’5 270lbs) ass on. I’ll do my best to take your head off, and you can show me how you’d respond in a kinder, gentler fashion to my “simulated” attack. It’s funny how watching old episodes of Starsky and Hutch makes every two bit moron an expert on police procedures and use of force.
Nobody knows this guy’s history, what got him to this point or what opportunities he has or hasn’t had in life. So don’t throw him away like trash. Not funny.