Diner, Palo Alto. Officer Oyo, California Correctional Services.
Subway, New York. Officer Ferris, Metropolitan Typo Authority.
Domino’s, Seattle; Officer Decker, Cyber-Crime Division, Northwest Bureau.
Diner, Palo Alto. Officer Oyo, California Correctional Services.
Subway, New York. Officer Ferris, Metropolitan Typo Authority.
Domino’s, Seattle; Officer Decker, Cyber-Crime Division, Northwest Bureau.
In all fairness to the person who prepared the Subway ad, I hope that he or she created this before their first cup of morning coffee. “Must get cuuppp of ffree cofee..”
That Subway one looks ALMOST intentional.
I don’t get the issue with the third example.
Should I stop drinking? Or possibly start..
Miles – You got problems.
High five for the witty title. And I have to ask a question: In New York is there a difference in the pronunciation of “cot” and “caught”? There is no difference on the West Coast, but I have a linguistics book (published in Connecticut) that includes different phonetic spellings for the two.
No seriously, can someone explain what the issue is with the Dominos ad?
As far as I can see it just uses the present tense as vernacular.
Help me out here.
[ You got it. -B. ]
I’m sad, I saw a sign announcing a “Hugh Garage Sale” a couple of weeks ago. I took a picture on my phone to post here, but the pic wasn’t saved.
Miles – I believe the problem with the Dominos thing is that t should be “You have got…” or “You’ve Got…” to be correct.
You asked for it…you got it