
Citrus Orchard Simulator

Video Game Review: Citrus Orchard Simulator
Right on top of the release of Red Dead Revolver and still riding high on the success of the stellar-selling Grand Theft Auto franchise, Rockstar Games does it again with Citrus Orchard Simulator, a first-person non-shooter that promises to be one of the most talked-about fruit farming sims on the market to date.
In C.O.S., you are Jake Delorean, an ex-convict gone good. Now, armed with a 12 acre plot of land and a government subsidy, you grow lemons – or limes, depending on the path you take. That’s one of many choices you’re offered as the game’s open story line lets you go your own way in the ever-changing world of citrus farming.
As Delorean, you have the option of roaming your farm on foot or by tractor. You’ll also have to choose between letting worker Jorge Martinez pick all the citrus by himself, or assisting him. While letting Jorge pick the lemons himself increases your health, your productivity falls. Help Jorge pick citrus and profits may go up, but you might fall off a ladder. Again, these are some of the many choices that players of Citrus Orchard Simulator will have to make during game-play.
It’s not all wandering the fields looking at citrus either. There are several challenges that might crop up along the way. Delorean faces everything from chilly weather, blight, and Jorge’s H1-B work visa being revoked. In addition, every year you must file a 47-page report or risk losing your subsidy – fill out something incorrectly, and it could spell disaster.
True to Rockstar’s style, C.O.S. has numerous side-diversions to entertain the attention-deficit crowd. One mission sends Delorean to the shed to get a pole. In another, a Fuji apple must be handed to Jorge so he can eat it.
With its amazing graphics and innovative game engine, Citrus Orchard Simulator may be just what the doctor ordered to hold the serious gamer over until the much-anticipated September release of Elevator Operator.
Title: Citrus Orchard Simulator
Developer: Rockstar Games
Platforms: Xbox, PS2
Retail: $49.95

Elisabeth Kubler Ross Watching The Sopranos

“They did not just shoot Adriana.”
“They just shot Adriana.”
“Tony B. should be the one getting whacked. Maybe this is another bizarre dream sequence.”
“I thought Christopher loved her. So sad.”
“I guess it makes sense. She’s got a lead on Joey.”

News For Pigeons

Laszlo McFootmissing of Midtown passed away Thursday after drinking a green liquid with cigarette butts in it at the corner of 56th and Park. Cause of death is unknown.
News For Pigeons regrets the passing of Norma “The Bread Lady” Dissender whose combination of loneliness and insanity made her a Central Park regular. Her generosity will be missed. A memorial service will be held Thursday at the fountain, near the half-blind Pakistani pretzel vendor.
Pench Oilyfeathers of Gramercy discovered an uneaten French fry on the road near Toys ‘R Us in Union Square. He was able to eat half of it before he knocked it into the gutter.
Hebb Eyegone reports that the pigeon-proofing under the awnings at Macy’s has been defeated. The awnings provide excellent protection from the elements and ample room for droppings.
A large gathering near Chelsea Piers was disrupted Monday when it was charged by a young human. Sources say the incident was unprovoked. According to area resident Fligo Suitshitter, Chelsea Piers has been the scene of several chargings and is no longer considered one of the top places to roost in the city.
Following a hit-and-run accident on Houston Street, all pigeons are asked to be on the lookout for an Asian delivery man riding a rickety bicycle.
Peck Slowreact was struck and killed by a Department of Sanitation truck early Wednesday morning while sitting on the road outside Sea Wing Seafood on Canal Street. A memorial service will be held in the same location. The body will remain on display until it washes away.
Correction: The pile of breadcrumbs reported yesterday near Arturo’s Pizza at York and 85th was actually a pile of sawdust. We apologize for any confusion.

The Apprentice, M.E.

Dear Frank,
This letter is to elaborate on our discussion of 14 May 2004 in which I informed you that the Medical Examiner’s Office would no longer be needing your services. Based on your reaction – you seemed surprised – I felt I should go into further detail and explain why.
Frank, we hired you initially because you were the winner on Fox Television’s America’s Next Medical Examiner. This was an impressive feat considering the original pool of aspiring medical examiners was 12,000. We followed your progress, as we did that of the other contestants on the show. To be honest, early on in the season I was certain that Ms. Weiss was destined to win, hands down.
As the season progressed, you out-sang everyone in the disco competition and out-danced them the following week. Gradually you worked your way through the competition, rose to every occasion, and conquered every challenge. When America chose you during the two-hour season finale, I felt confident in my decision to hire you immediately. We were more than excited to bring a new star on board and into the Office of the Medical Examiner.
Frank, from the very beginning your superiors and associates were skeptical of your abilities. In your first autopsy, #04-291, you ignored the obvious blunt-force trauma to the head of a 59-year old Caucasian male and instead suggested that the gentleman “probably died from old-man-itis, if you know what I mean.” That alone suggested to all of us that perhaps you did not have the medical training or attitude necessary for this line of work.
Though the proper medical terms were pointed out to you time and time again, you continued to use “cock” and “beaver” to describe the genitalia. When Dr. Tyson fainted during autopsy #04-302, it was not because of the autopsy itself, as you had led me to believe. She has participated in over one hundred. It was because you suggested the decedent had “major hooters.” This unfortunate observation was captured on the audio recording of the autopsy, as was the sound of Dr. Tyson’s head striking the desk on her way to the floor.
As a result of your various errors, omissions and general incompetence, I have had to dedicate three valuable staff members to go over the records of nearly 60 autopsies you were involved with. So far, these men and women have had to expunge various details from your reports. These details include unwarranted wild guesses about the identity of killers in homicide cases (Jimmy Hoffa is dead, by the way), complete speculation about people based on their body shape, and the suggestion on at least two occasions that the decedents “deserved what they got” because they “looked like jerks” – one of whom was a Fulbright scholar with lymphoma.
You mocked one decedent because he had a crucifix tattoo, you claimed another decedent tried to touch your ass, and you began one autopsy with “Man, this guy’s got a horse cock.” Also captured on audio.
Speaking of audio, I’d like to talk to you about certain things that have turned up in the transcription logs. I’m most curious what led up to you shouting “Get back here!” during #04-330. I’m also concerned why “Daddy says sit over there, Maggie” is heard during #04-342. Frankly I’d like to know why #04-349 has the bone saw running for 52 minutes, followed by a half hour of expletives.
Frank, I have been working 22 years as a Medical Examiner and until your arrival have never once come across “Cause of Death: Death” on any certificates. These are legal documents that can not be easily changed. Also, “Dude got the shit kicked out of him” does not adequately convey the medical details one needs to provide in an autopsy report. At least three court cases have been thrown out because of such certificates.
The amount of embarrassment and work you have caused our office is staggering.
In retrospect, I should not have assumed in any way that your ability to win a song and dance competition, rodeo, obstacle course and home redecoration challenge would in any way be proof that you had talents, or indeed training, as a medical examiner. Frankly, I assumed you were all medical students. I’ve only recently discovered that Jeremy Hobbs was a fireman and LaQuinta Rae’s accomplishment was being sodomized on Had I known the selection criteria were so low, I would never, ever, ever have blindly hired the winner of America’s Next Medical Examiner.
This in no way means I didn’t thoroughly enjoy your performances during the show. Your rendition of “I Love The Nightlife” was gorgeous. I was also amazed at your collectedness during the Alligator Challenge. You won America’s heart, Frank. Unfortunately, you lost #04-299’s.
I am afraid we need to part ways. For my sake, the sake of this office, and so the souls of the dead can be at peace.
M. Steurner, M.D.
Office of the Medical Examiner

Unappeasable al Qaeda

“…after arriving at the store to claim in Allah’s name what had rightfully been reserved over the phone, (a DVD copy of “Big Night” with Tony Shalhoub and Stanley Tucci) we were told it had been accidentally rented for the evening. This outrage will not go unanswered, and we will bathe your video rental store in blood, for you are pigs and monkeys.”
“…was undercooked. Add to this the insult of waiting nearly 30 minutes for Key Lime Pie, and there should be no doubt as to why we have begun martyrdom operations against your restaurant.”
“To suggest that it was mere coincidence that my iPod stopped working only three days after the warranty expired is an unjust and vile lie. Until it is repaired or replaced, there will be no peace. We declare jihad against those who attempt to force upon us the additional cost of an AppleCare Warranty.”
“That women of such base character and morals should be allowed to perform their mischievous acts on television for the masses is a direct assault on the values taught to us by our Prophet Muhammad. Unless you remove this evil taint from our eyes at once, in Almighty God’s name we shall strike down the signal of every cable affiliate, stone the remotes, and smother any television that bears your channel.”
“…cease immediately the practice of charging my account for multiple ATM transactions, or feel the sword of vengeance upon you, your Zionist tellers, and customer service Crusaders.”
“Furthermore, we have noticed no discernable vibrancy in our colors, despite your claims. Your serpent tongue deceives us no more. Know that you have stoked the anger in our hearts and upon completion of the dry cycle (34 min.) you shall reap terrible rewards for your insolence and misleading advertising.”
“To not honor a request for an autographed photo is an insult which must not go unanswered, lest we shame ourselves before Almighty God, and this can not be considered. We shall therefore make ourselves ready and unleash a storm of jihad upon you. We demand you return our self-addressed stamped envelope at once.”
“We celebrate the end of this oppressive and unjust two-year contract. For too long we have suffered under the yoke of your inadequate coverage in the metropolitan area. Allah be praised, the power is now in our hands. Our holy warriors will be switching to Verizon.”

The Forgiving Theatre Critic

The premise of “FDR’s Power Suit” is quite far-fetched. In 1942, Franklin Delano Roosevelt discovers a suit of powered time-travel body armor that allows him to travel backwards in time, right to Braunau am Inn, Austria – Hitler’s birthplace. There, he is confronted with the dilemma of killing Young Hitler, despite the fact that the world doesn’t yet know the monster he will become.
This is a first effort by playwright Preston McDaniels and comes across as such, though McDaniels should be applauded for having the guts to put the idea to paper and the focus to write it all out, because it takes a lot of time to do that. Not to mention, his mother died last year while skiing and he’s had a very tough time of it. Knowing that McDaniels has been quite sad as of late makes me hesitant to point out such historical inaccuracies as his FDR having working legs.
From the get-go, it was obvious that the role of FDR was miscast. Annette Carlisle, in addition to being a woman, has much trouble pronouncing the letter “s” without a severe lisp. The end result was often comedic, even in scenes that I believe were supposed to be dramatic. Honestly though, in these times of daily bad news a good laugh is a nice thing, so the comic relief was much appreciated. No doubt the audience was meant to cry during the song “She Sleeps Alone, She Sleeps, She Does” but it was such a hearty laugh that a “thumbssss-up” is in order. I still chuckle when I think back to the closing tearjerker “So, So Sorry.”
Director Francis Daly was apparently very sick in the month before opening night, so many of the inconsistencies I saw can be forgiven. The awkward transitions between scenes were sometimes charming, and one had to wonder if watching the actors fumble around the darkened stage wasn’t actually a stroke of artistic brilliance on Mr. Daly’s part. Probably not, but there’s always a chance it was, and I believe you’re innocent until proven guilty – so kudos to Mr. Daly.
The freestyle approach to blocking was unique. In one scene featuring Michael Chris Finnegan as Young Hitler, all the actors crowded upstage in a small, unlit area. I later learned that someone had placed all their marks in one spot (a practical joke, apparently). Though the actors seemed disoriented and the cacophony made the lyrics impossible to understand, and the resulting chaos seemed to disturb the actors for several scenes following, the joke was quite funny. Certainly they’re not to blame for it.
The role of Hitler was quite slapstick and physically demanding, requiring Finnegan to frequently fall forward to the floor, with his arms by his sides. Though Finnegan is not the best-suited for physical comedy and frequently broke character during these moments, he often regained it after the nosebleed stopped.
In retrospect, Casting Director Martina Turlough might have been better-off going for a less morbidly-obese Young Hitler, but she was also working on a Columbia student film so she was quite busy. Besides, Finnegan has a great headshot, though it’s quite dated. It’s easy to see how Turlough may have cast Finnegan by his misleading photo.
Eva Braun, played by Ania Gonzalez, was tough role to tackle, in part because the character was limited to grunts and cackles. Playwright McDaniels obviously based Ms. Braun on his own mother, as she dies in a skiing accident halfway through the play. After her “death” she dangles over the stage in a Christ-like pose that was as distracting as it was unnecessary. Nevertheless, McDaniels still seems very upset about his mom, so I shan’t make a point of it.
The weakest link in the performances was that of Karl Tather as Joe Goebbels, whose wooden, monotone delivery often ran the risk of bringing each scene to a screeching halt. I later learned that Tather is a third cousin to actor Adrian Brody, so it’s hard to understand what happened. Obviously he comes from brilliant actor stock, so I can only assume he didn’t feel well the night I saw the show.
The tech folks didn’t quite have the lighting down, in part because they have very complicated new software. Technical director Karen Key has a new puppy, and you know how time consuming that can be. In one scene, set in Hitler’s loft apartment, a refrigerator is illuminated by five spotlights. One spends the majority of the scene wondering why, until one realizes that there is no reason why. A soliloquy by FDR about Eva Braun’s crossbow was interrupted when Carlisle was blinded by a strobe light. They’ll probably have these things worked out for future shows, so I’m not going to dwell on them.
Overall, “FDR’s Power Suit” was a very different play in many respects. I think all the elements combine to offer the viewer a unique experience, and one well-worth the $25 admission. I’m giving it 4 out of 5 stars, only because of the few minor problems I’ve mentioned.
Though it may be inappropriate for me to suggest – I believe McDaniels deserves a standing ovation because it will make him feel better, and he really seems down.
“FDR’s Power Suit” at the New Millennium Project Actor’s Theatre; Lower East Side. Seats $25-50. Annette Carlisle as FDR, Michael Chris Finnegan as Young Hitler, Ania Gonzalez as Eva Braun, Karl Tather as Josef Goebbels, Peter Anton Walczak as Hutton Gibson. Shows all month, except Mondays. Tickets are available through TicketPlace.

Losing Your Hard Drive Is Like Taking A Nice Vacation

There is a tendency for all of us to get caught up in our day-to-day affairs, bogged down by the things we’re writing, our calendars, and all our financial records. So hectic is our multi-gigabyte life we forget to sit back, relax, and lose all of our data.
A vacation, like a hard drive meltdown, takes us away from all our works-in-progress, photographs, and genealogical research. When you have no other worries than sipping a Pina Colada or touring an old cathedral, your mind clears out – just like your hard drive does when the reallocated sectors count reaches the threshold.
Sitting on a tropical beach is a welcome retreat from the monotony of the daily grind. After all the pressures of the workaday world have built up, and our brains are at maximum capacity, a vacation cures us. It distances us from friends, family and business associates – as if your entire address book had been turned in to a bunch of zeroes.
When sitting on a Swiss hilltop or paddling the Grand Canyon, your mind is at ease. Thoughts of checking email, reading a blog about someone’s favorite cereal or downloading a 15-second teaser from Pinkworld are far from your mind; as far from your mind as the applications that allow you to check email, read a blog, or view pornography are from recovery.
Losing your hard drive puts things in perspective, just like a vacation. Free from the congestion of your normal surroundings, you’re able to paint a better picture. You suddenly really understand what’s important, or what was important. With this clean slate, inspiration comes easier, as do answers. Questions like “Should I back up my data more often?” no longer require much deliberation. The answer seems as obvious as the Caribbean is blue.
When you return from your vacation, your mind is as clear as a brand new 180 gigabyte hard drive. The roadblocks in your synapses have been disassembled. You approach everything with a new vigor and a clarity of vision. The same clarity that has you kicking yourself for not purchasing backup software like Retrospect, version 6.0.178.
The days after returning from a vacation are your best chance to address everything with a fresh perspective and start over, as if reinstalling your system software onto a completely blanked surface. Even if that surface is riddled with bad blocks, your energized outlook allows you to overlook them. For a while, anyway.
Losing your hard drive is like taking a nice vacation. Though I’m still glowing from this most recent trip, I can’t help but plan for the next one. I’ll be heading to CompUSA post-haste.

Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage

Dear Retailer:
Hello! We wish to introduce to you Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage and ask if you will consider carrying it in your establishment, for it is delicious.
Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage is created with a special clandestine recipe, and upon drinking delivers a sensation to the body not unlike the massaging fingers of 72 hot and sexy virgins.
As Allah is my witness, many who enjoy Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage express their feelings in a positive manner. The men shout with glee from underneath their ski masks, and without question there is much ululating from underneath the coverings of the females. Though terrifying-sounding, ululating is actually a sound of joy. The joy of quenching your thirst with Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage is like having a martyred son, but with more citrus flavor.
Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage comes with a full support package for our retailers. In return for eye-level shelf space, we offer excellent discounts on pallets of our product. In addition, we offer in-store point-of-purchase displays, vinyl banners, and we will put your competitors to death.
Our new summer iTunes bottlecap promotion is gearing up, and we will offer over 1,000,000 lucky customers the chance to download As Allah Is My Witness I shall Slay the Infidels and Bring Them to Bow Before Me for free.
For our restaurateur friends, Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage offers quantity discounts, not to mention promotional events such as the Alcohol is the Devil’s Lubricant Worldwide Toast which takes place every March 17th. Those restaurants which carry our delicious, sanctified beverage also receive free logo glassware, ashtrays, and neon window signs. All restaurants receive festive portraits of frowning mullahs with which one may pressure guests into ordering Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage.
We look forward to you working with us to make Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage the most popular beverage in the world, far out-selling the Coca Cola bile-water which the accursed infidel Americans force down our throats.
We hope we can work together soon. We must insist that you contact us quickly, as we have your cousin.
Ayman Qutaybah
Regional Sales Director
Hamas’s Refreshing Orange Zionist Conspiracy Beverage

Transcript of Bin Laden’s 9/11 Testimony

[Mr. bin Laden sworn in]
KEAN: Thank you for coming, Mister bin Laden.
UBL: Thank you for having me.
KEAN: Mister bin Laden, as we understand it, you were really not much of a factor in the 2000 U.S. Presidential election. To the best of my knowledge neither you nor your shadowy, demonic organization had received much attention from either the Bush campaign nor the Gore campaign. You were not a “number-one priority” in any case.
UBL: That is correct. Lots of talking about the environment and missile defense and economy, but no talking about me. I was starting to wonder who I had to kill to get noticed in this town.
HAMILTON: The October 2000 bombing of the U.S.S. Cole got you some recognition.
UBL: It did, yes. A little. But again, hello, you’re only as good as your last film, so to speak, and no one was watching mine. Only 17 dead! I’ve been to weddings where more than 17 died when we fired our AK-47s in the air. I was hoping for more tit-for-tat exchanges. I was titting, but there was no tatting – except maybe when Clinton had a good reason to tat, because of the thing with the fat girl and the shady land deal.
LEHMAN: Did you sense that the incoming Bush administration was going to take a greater interest in you?
UBL: I hoped. I thought that with Richard Clarke my stock might go up somewhat. I realize the Great Satan has many things on its plate but I was really starting to get cross. I felt I had paid my dues many times over and the best I could get was a cameo on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. It was very disheartening. It seemed that Mister Clarke might recognize my talent and introduce me to the right people.
KEAN: And did he?
UBL: I don’t know if he was making much progress. A donkey courier once told me the rumor was they were taking me a little more seriously, but I was still a C-list celebrity. Swatting at flies? I’m 6′ 5″ for Allah’s sake. They treated me like an annoying terrier with the yipping and nipping. This is insulting, really, seeing as this has been my life’s work, not to mention I’m on Team Allah.
BEN-VENISTE: Were you aware of any plans to “bring you to justice?”
UBL: That would have been a hard sell, pre 9/11. It would be like explaining that Sofia Coppola was qualified to direct a major feature. People would have said to Bush the Demon “What the hell are you doing?” The American infidel public would not have understood. Now, of course, the majority of them would rip my eyes from my sockets and dance on my spleen. Times change.
KERREY: I’ll be blunt. Do you think the September 11 attacks could have been prevented?
UBL: Of course not. It was Allah’s will. When Allah says to go forth and murder thousands of unsuspecting, innocent, civilian men and women, that’s what Allah gets, because He is great and all that. The plan was the plan, and we had Allah’s blessing. At one point [Mohammed] Atta called me with a new plan to plant himself amongst the infidels of the Lambda Bath House in San Francisco. Atta said he had a new idea, and he’d assimilate into that community for several years, and was even ready to live with a hairless guy named Milo in a one-bedroom apartment with a Pekingese. I told him no, because that’s not what Allah wanted. He was a little whiny, but eventually he dropped it.
BEN-VENISTE: So, beyond any doubt, you don’t think this could have been prevented?
UBL: Could the Affirmative Oscars of 2002 have been prevented… with Halle Berry and the ridiculous cut-away to Sidney Poitier? Could Pearl Harbor have been prevented? Clay Aiken? No. Allah’s will can not be prevented. When He says “jump” you say “how high, and with how many pounds of ammonium nitrate?”
ROEMER: So, you’re telling us here, under oath, that there was no silver bullet?
UBL: Is this because of the beard? Is it that unruly?

Advertising Strategy: Greater Balboa

An outdoor and bus advertising campaign in conjunction with a print, radio and television run in selected U.S. markets.

Greater Balboa has been plagued in recent years by piracy, occasional mob riots, and plague.

Come to Greater Balboa!

Americans, 50/50 male/female, unmarried, who make upwards of 40,000K per year. They are looking for a quality Caribbean vacation and are in the process of selecting an island to visit.

Unfortunately, many of our prospective tourists are still vaguely aware of the Machete Riots of 1997, and as a result are still somewhat afraid of Greater Balboa and her citizenry.
Many Americans are hesitant to visit an island that requires seven vaccination shots and a post-trip examination.
The intense media coverage of Esteemed Victorious Leader Dominic DuBaine’s ice-pick assassination was negative publicity at best and still reverberates among the many Americans who saw the televised incident during the Superbowl.
The majority of Greater Balboa’s tourist hotels were built downwind of Sulfur Springs, which some individuals find offensive.
Americans expect electricity.

The tendency for Greater Balboans to forcibly request donations from our tourists.
The tendency for Greater Balboans to call tourists “demon invaders.”

With the eradication of the Pox Flies nearly complete, visitors to Greater Balboa are increasingly likely to not be bitten.
A new highway built with mango husks and palm fronds bypasses the Villagio detention camp, which was always shocking and uncomfortable for first-time visitors to the island. The new highway now takes them down a prettier route past Man Made Falls, which should have water by Spring 2005.
The U.S. Dollar ($) to Greater Balboan Squab (@*) exchange rate is so favorable that a Balboan whore is no more expensive than an American hairbrush.
Nineteen of the “Tourist Face-Hacker Twenty-Three” have been apprehended and executed.

We would like a catchy tag line that expresses the true nature of Greater Balboa as the place to relax and unwind inside a maximum-security tourist enjoyment compound.
We encourage you to consider a musical jingle to capture the essence of the island. Even better if it is used on our two native instruments, the car hood and the shoe.
If it stops raining, we would encourage you to take some pictures of Mount Doom for use in the advertisements. We also have a large collection of stock photos of Aruba.

Supreme Leader DuQuesnay has a list of individuals who may appear in the advertising. They have promised to smile and convey the essence of the island as he sees it.
Do not mention Suffocation Day as it is a difficult holiday to explain to non-islanders.
“Visit our official government website at”

Hey New York, Recycling’s Back!

Shower door etching of an African emigrant sucking Courtney Love’s breast outside a Wendy’s – no
Stephen Glass – (see ‘Paper Recycling’)
Wine bottles, Cabernet – no (let sit)
Wine bottles, except Cabernet – yes
Bottles of expensive foreign beers – yes
Bottles with “born on” dates – no
Odd-shaped wine bottles designed to draw attention away from lousy wine inside – yes
Deli window with “neck face” spray-painted on it – yes
Glass ashtrays from restaurant that took a 30% hit in profits because of the smoking ban – no
Double pane windows that keep the sounds of screaming homeless from disturbing your slumber – yes
Glass matte of the Ewok Village stolen from a warehouse at Lucasfilm – no
Rose-colored glasses – yes
The glass of water you asked the waiter for twenty minutes ago, damn it – yes

Plastic bag used by Gotti mistress to kill herself without any assistance from nobody and don’t you says a word, you understand? – yes
Cher – yes
Soy Milk containers – yes
Plastic food containers for pun-named vegan products like “Soy Vey!” and “Not Dogs” – no
Cassette recording of the “Talking Taxi” campaign which featured a variety of non-celebrities admonishing you for not putting on your seatbelt – yes
American Express Centurion Card – yes
Containers of Tropicana Pure Premium with Pulp – yes (remove pulp)
P. Diddy CDs – no (can’t recycle twice)
Empty Botox syringes – yes
Hilarious post-surgery cone that goes around your dog’s head – yes
Vinyl banner printed with “I’m Aiken 4 Clay” from last year’s American Idol – no
CD compilation of Rocco Siffredi sodomizing Czech harlots – yes
Michael Jackson – no
Laminated “Sore-Loserman” banner from Election 2000 – no
Defective Xbox – (no, save for class action)
Megaphone used by man who lured you into a shady “sample sale” on the sixth floor of decrepit building – yes
Sub-flooring that should have been put under your buckling hardwood floor – yes

Gest/Minelli Wedding invitations – yes
Gest/Minelli Divorce documents – yes
Rite Aid Pharmacy flyer handed to you on the corner of 14th and 7th by Carmen Vazquez of Honduras – yes
The creepy “Alamo Christian Ministries” newsletter left on your windshield – yes
Jayson Blair’s memoirs – no (wait for apology)
Stephen Glass’s memoirs – yes
“Flashdancers” strip-club promo card handed to you by man who fled war-torn homeland – no
Copies of “Taboo” stage play – yes
Box of “World Says No To War” flyers in Spanish – no
Empty cereal boxes – yes
Empty cereal boxed that mention “fiber” or “colon” a little too much – no
Al Sharpton’s copy of “Leadership” by Rudolph Giuliani – yes
United Federation of Teachers “Aniual Report on Are Progresses In Education” – yes
The New York Times – yes (remove any recycled articles)
The 997 remaining headshots from your failed acting career – yes
Printed Pamphlet touting the return of recycling – no (savor the irony!)
Dr. Zizmor’s Subway Ads – yes
E-ticket from Air France, where Business Class is just Economy with less attitude – no

Gest/Minelli wedding rings – yes
The star-thing on Janet Jackson’s nipple during the debacle that she’d rather put behind her – yes
A child’s braces – no
A child with braces – no
Metal Gear Solid for Xbox – no
Samurai sword you inexplicably purchased when drunk in Chinatown, you loser – yes
Can of baked beans you bought in Chinatown because its logo is a backwards swastika, which you thought odd – yes
Parking meters – yes (remove coins)
“Under Construction” sign stolen from a building site which advertises a shady, low-quality construction firm with ties to organized crime – yes
Staples – yes
Fire escapes – yes
Abandoned bicycle frames – yes
The steel girders from the new West Side stadium that’s so frickin’ awesome that no one noticed $300,000,000 of their tax dollars are going to build it – no

Please remember to leave your recyclables in the proper color-coded bag.
Place the bags on the sidewalk on your pick-up day so that they can be ripped open and the contents strewn outside your apartment.

Saddam’s Interrogation Logs

Interrogation commenced: 0735 hours
Colonel Beckwith and I decided to play Good Cop/Bad Cop again. I came into the room as Bad Cop and yelled at SH. He immediately laughed at me because last week when I came in I was Good Cop and had given him a sandwich. I tried to play it off that I had some heartburn and was still Good Cop but “just a little cranky.” Colonel Beckwith tried to cover for me by entering the room as Bad Cop and yelling, but that didn’t seem to work either. SH muttered something but wouldn’t say what.
Interrogation terminated: 0749 hours

Interrogation commenced: 1430 hours
I tried to break the will of SH by showing him an Iraqi newspaper editorial calling for his trial and punishment. SH told me that our Psychological Ops folks obviously printed a fake newspaper. I told him I swore that I bought the paper at an off-base coffee house. He insisted it was a fake. I told him I crossed my heart. He said he did not believe me. I asked him what I needed to do to prove to him that it was a real newspaper and he suggested taking him to the off-base coffee house to see it first-hand. I asked, but Gen. Farley said absolutely no way. SH didn’t say anything else aside from asking how much my PsyOps newspaper subscription cost and if there were any PsyOps coupons in it. I asked where the WMD were and he suggested I look in my copy of “PsyOps Weekly.”
Interrogation terminated: 1540 hours

Interrogation commenced: 0330 hours
Woke SH quite early to catch him off-guard and groggy. I asked “What’s your first name?” and he said “Saddam.” Again I asked, “What’s your first name?” and he said “Saddam.” I kept asking “What’s your first name?” and he kept saying “Saddam.” Once I had a rhythm going, I quickly asked “Where are the WMD?” and he said “Saddam.”
Interrogation terminated: 0338 hours

Interrogation commenced: 2210 hours
I played chess with SH, who is not too bad a chess player. At one point, my Bishop took his Rook. I told him that in the U.S. when you lose your Rook to a Bishop it is customary to divulge a little personal secret, like maybe where the WMD are. He said we weren’t in the U.S., then he took my pawn with the horse piece.
Interrogation terminated: 0122 hours

Interrogation commenced: 2000 hours
I told SH that we would be paid a visit by Baghdad’s longest-running improvisational comedy troupe, and that they often ask for audience suggestions. I had one of the “players” ask SH for the name of something you’d return to a department store. He said “pliers.” They did a quick scene about returning pliers, and then another “player” asked for a geographic location where one might hide WMDs. SH was quiet for a long time, and so I suggested Wal-Mart.
Interrogation terminated: 0122 hours

Interrogation commenced: 1241 hours
After lunch, SH informed us he was willing to talk. Colonel Beckwith and I sat down with him. He spoke for quite some time and answered every question fully. We believe we have made great progress and we are researching the data.
Interrogation terminated: 1551 hours

Interrogation commenced: 0940 hours
Colonel Beckwith and I told SH that we didn’t think it was particularly funny that he had us looking for “Monkey Valley” and the “Camel Ass Testing Facility” when it turned out there were no such locations. Also, we told him we were unable to verify the existence of Mohammad Mohahaha and we do not believe his claims of having built an “Indfidel Ray.” We told him as a result of our disappointment, we would be denying his TV access. He said TV sucks anyway because they don’t sing about him anymore.
Interrogation terminated: 1100 hours

Interrogation commenced: 0250 hours
I roused SH from his slumbers and told him Tariq Aziz was on the phone and wanted to know where the Vx gas was. Didn’t bite.
Interrogation terminated: 0252 hours

Premiered on McSweeney’s, 4/20/04.
Longer version commissioned by The Independent (UK), 7/29/04

FAQ: Why Israel Killed the Lord of The Rings Guy


Q: Today, Israel assassinated Saruman The White, played by Christopher Lee. Why did they do that?
A: Saruman the White was the “spiritual advisor” to Hamas, which is considered a terrorist organization by practically everyone in Middle Earth, except maybe Reuters News Agency and Grima Wormtongue.

Q: What is a “spiritual advisor”?
A: A “spiritual advisor” will often “advise” impressionable Nazgul to become “spirits” by strapping and later detonating explosive t-shirts. This is done by suggesting that militants who die serving Mordor are martyrs and therefore entitled to 72 virgins, or “raisins” depending on how you interpret Sauron’s Koran.

Q: What is Hamas?
A: Hamas is one of Middle Earth’s leading exporters of explosive t-shirts to Israel and Rodan, Land of Men.

Q: What is Saruman’s background?
A: Like Gandalf, Saruman was a powerful wizard. But, he was tempted by the evil Sauron of Mordor and a tremendous misinterpretation of the Koran. He went from being Chief of the Istari, a powerful group of wise men that included Gandalf, and instead hooked up with the orcs at Hamas.

Q: What made Saruman turn towards the evil of Sauron?
A: Saruman was corrupted by the Rings of Power and became obsessed with a Palestinian state “from river to sea” which would not have left a lot of room for the Israel part.
When Gandalf presented him with a chance to destroy the One Ring in Mount Doom, Saruman instead imprisoned Gandalf at Isengard and then rejected the Oslo Peace Accords.

Q: What happens to Hamas now that Saruman is gone?
A: Saruman was a powerful dark wizard, and prior to being dispatched he created an army of evil creatures bent on seizing the One Ring, Gondor and the West Bank. He also did a swell job corrupting King Theoden and possibly France.
No doubt, these forces will be allied with Sauron, and will likely try and make Temple Mount into Mount Doom, as armies of evil creatures are wont to do.

Q: Will this inflame the Arab street?
A: Yes, though seemingly everything inflames the Arab street including hobbits, daisies, wind speed changes, elves, infidels, garden gnomes and the 1981 Osirak nuclear power plant raid.
The only known non-inflaming events are the Twin Towers falling, the death of Boromir, and the Shuttle Columbia disaster.

Q: What can we expect now?
A: With Saruman gone, the Palestinians have lost a valuable dark wizard. The orcs of Hamas can be expected to whip themselves up into a bit more of a frenzy than usual. No doubt, Middle Earth can expect a little bit of chaos as Sauron attempts to cover the world in shadows.
Fortunately, even if they drag on a bit, these stories always have happy endings.

Neckface Franchise Available


Dear Potential Franchisee:
I got me a question.
When you’re walking around the neighborhood, and whatnot, and you want to tag something, what’s the number one motherfucking thing you think of, motherfucker?
That right. Neckface.
Now, what if I were to tell you that you have the opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, to be a Neckface distributor? Bitch, there’s no doubt you’re thinking what a prime motherfucking opportunity you have right there.
Neckface is the number one distributor of Neckface-related graffiti throughout the entire city of New York. We’re expanding rapidly. And as we grow, we’re adding new members to the Neckface team. That’s where you come in, motherfucker.
A Neckface franchise offers you unlimited motherfucking growth potential. There’s a lot of surface to cover in this city. Shit. You could tag all day and not even make a dent in this market. Supply, demand, whatever. It’s all good.
With Neckface, you’re your own boss. You work your own hours. You set the rules. There ain’t no punk manager telling you how it is. This is your thing.
We guarantee market exclusivity in your franchise area. You see some motherfucker tagging Neckface in your area, that ain’t cool. Just tell us. We’ll present his ass with the Neckface Franchise Agreement – and bet your ass he’s gonna get the fuck up outa there. Or she. Neckface is an equal opportunity employer.
And for money? Shit. This shit’s priceless.
The start-up costs for a Neckface franchise are minimal. And franchisee training is even minimaler. In fact, if you’re looking for a ground-floor opportunity and whatnot, Neckface is some serious shit. Don’t fuck this up. I’m serious.
If you’re serious about this shit too, and want the motherfucking opportunity of a lifetime, I’ll be at the construction site of the new Union Square Whole Foods. They’ve got some plywood up there, and I sense an opportunity.
I’m in the yellow jacket. Bring $5.

Half-Assed Stock Tips

STARBUCKS (SBUX): The Starbucks on Chambers Street in Tribeca was really busy. The barista was pleasant and the Whole Milk thermos was full. I poured a little coffee into the trash because I needed room and no one yelled at me. This is good a business strategy. STRONG BUY.
MICROSOFT (MSFT): Windows has cornered the market in crazy computer viruses. Apple will never catch up. BUY.
FORD (F): Some hooligan in an Explorer was blocking the crosswalk. Not only that, he was blasting what sounded like Salsa music with satanic maracas. This is really rude behavior, and not the first time someone in a Ford has ticked me off. There will probably be some kind of backlash some day. SELL.
HOME DEPOT (HD): I need to repair the floor that the Genovese-crime-family-connected building contractor installed very poorly. The Arab deli across the street doesn’t have belt sanders or drill bits. The hardware store four blocks up has narrow aisles and is overpriced. The answer: Home Depot. They test employee urine so I can rest assured no druggie touched my plywood. BUY.
XEROX (XRX): At the agency the other day, the assistant had to make me a few copies. I thought for every me, there are probably many other people just like me who need copies too. And there are billions of people worldwide. Since Xerox is in the copy business, their stock will probably go nuts, I figured. Then I thought about it and realized there are others like Ricoh and Konica. And people from Bangladesh don’t make copies. MARKET PERFORM.
3M (MMM): They make adhesives. I don’t know about you, but not too many days go by when I don’t use something with adhesives in it. Maybe if the Genovese-crime-family-connected building contractor had used adhesives, my floor wouldn’t be warping. BUY.
CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE GROUP (CWT): Did you see ‘Dune’? Need I say more? This company must have something to do with water. STRONG BUY.
BORDERS BOOKS (BGP): I just saw a bunch of school kids, and I promise you not one of them has ever read a book. That’s the future: non-book-reading kids who scream a lot and chew gum without a modicum of grace. STRONG SELL.
WRIGLEY’S (WWY): As I mentioned, non-book-reading kids who scream a lot and chew gum without a modicum of grace are the future. Those little black stains all over the sidewalk? Pure gold. STRONG BUY.
STARBUCKS (SBUX): I have to revisit this one, because the Starbucks near Rock Center was out of Whole and Non-Fat milk and I had to wait over a minute for the coffee to brew. Barista mumbled. Looks like they’ve peaked. SELL.
This information is highly unreliable. Banterist, its directors, associates, employees and consultants do not represent, warrant or guarantee, expressly or implied, that the information contained here is complete or accurate, or the slightest bit intelligent. Nor does Banterist accept any responsibility to inform you of any matter that subsequently comes to its notice, which may affect any of the information contained herein. Information provided by Banterist is not intended as a substitute for financial advice, or any advice, for that matter. If you march into your SalomonSmithBarney office armed with a printout of this, and ask to act on this information and modify your portfolio, you need help. You shouldn’t be near money in that case. You’re like a guy who goes to Vegas and puts his kid’s college fund on the Pass line. No investment is without risk. Just ask Rocco DiSpirito’s ego.

The Film School Commencement Speech

Four years ago, all of you seated before me were blank slates. You came here from all over the country eager to learn, passionate, excited with the prospect of studying, experiencing and mastering the great art of filmmaking.
I’ve gotten to know most of you in that time. All of you shared similar dreams. You wanted to be filmmakers. For many of you, this was a path you had taken at an early age, and you carried with you the passion of a lifetime of anticipation for the very moment you’d set foot in your first film class.
Many of you chose the fiction production route ‘ the route that one hopes will lead to fame and fortune. You were the aspiring Spielbergs and Kubricks, Coppolas and Allens. Others, the not-so-smart, chose the non-fiction film route. You were the aspiring Ken Burnses.
You can’t learn about film without seeing films. And, for the past four years you’ve seen a lot of them. Many of them were black & white, out of focus, German, and 60 years old. They don’t make films like that anymore. Did you see that huge shadow going across the man’s face? That represents the dichotomy of good and evil within each human being. Remarkable filmmaking, that.
For four years now, you’ve been taught by some of the finest teachers in this noble field. People who have foregone the professional track so that they may pass their knowledge on to you. People who have chosen to educate others in the hopes that they’ll get out there, root themselves in the industry, and make a difference.
Let us remember these fine professors, shall we?
There was Paula, the Marxist/feminist/bisexual whose specialties were seeing the things that aren’t on the surface of the film. The things underneath. Subtext. Hidden meaning. She helped you understand that E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial was about Jesus. She made you realize that the character of Plato in Rebel Without A Cause was a homosexual because he had differently-colored socks. And she helped you see the light and realize that Luke Skywalker was a communist.
With Paula, everything was a penis. A shot of a skyscraper was actually, subliminally, a penis. A train was a penis. A tall man was a penis with a penis. Swords, trees, school buses, solar flares: all penises. Paula made you realize that penises were everywhere using her simple formula: tall or long = penis. She explained to you man’s domination of women through the use of phallic imagery.
Oh, how Paula opened your mind. Though you came to this school thinking you just wanted to learn how to make a good film, Paula taught you what you really needed to know. She helped you realize that all men were bad; but mostly white, Republican men. She made you realize the fallacy of making films for profit. She helped you see that the corporation was the enemy. That Hollywood was the evil empire. You too found yourself rooting for the Worker’s Utopia where evil, white Republicans would be in gulags under the watchful eye of President Mumia.
Perhaps you came to this school wanting to direct the next Godfather or Annie Hall. Certainly a noble goal, but not the most noble. Paula had you convinced you wanted to direct a not-for-profit documentary about the indigenous cannibals of Madagascar, and the evil white Republicans who made them that way.
That was the glory of Paula. Let’s have a round of applause for her.
And then there was Kevin. Kevin, the quiet little guy who made an award-winning film you’d never heard of and can’t seem to find mentioned anywhere. Perhaps you never quite understood what he was getting at, or where you stood with him, but one thing was for sure: you knew you were in the presence of an artist.
Artists don’t need to not mumble. They can talk in circles, if it pleases them. And they can arbitrarily like or dislike whatever it is you have created, be it a four-minute black & white exploration of a telephone pole, or a twenty-minute color feature about a woman who sits at a table.
With Kevin, you learned that you need not be boisterous and mean to succeed in a film career. You could always be quiet and meek and teach somewhere, hiding from Paula whenever you saw her in the hallway.
Please, a round of applause for Kevin, who’s not here because he’s afraid of crowds.
An education in film is not complete without studying the craft of writing. There was no better man to introduce you to that art than Steven. He is the author of 14 self-published books, all of which you became familiar with as they’re course texts. Let us pay homage to the author of On Writing Films, Film Writing, Writing a Film, Writing for Film, and How to Write for Film to name a few.
You have to ask yourself, how can a man so knowledgeable about writing films never have written one? The answer is forthcoming in A Life Writing Films, due out in May.
A hand for Steven, please.
Graduates, I look out among you and see your faces, and I remember those faces as they were four years ago. It seems like only yesterday that you were girls and boys fresh out of high school, wide-eyed, coming here wanting to learn all there was to learn about film.
Now you leave here, having learned. You saw the The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and the Dali short with a donkey and a piano. You know that Big Ben is a penis. Reagan a demon. You know how to splice. You could probably write your own book about writing a film.
We’ve done our best to pass what we know on to you for these past four years. Now it’s your turn to take what you’ve learned and tackle the world. Your experience here comes to an end, but your future is just beginning.
Now get out there, and start scrubbing.

Churchill During NPR Pledge Week

I have myself full confidence that if all do their duty,
if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made,
as they are being made,
we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our island home,
to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny,
if necessary for years, if necessary alone.
But to do that, we need you.
Whatever amount, no matter how small you believe it to be, it’s significant to us. If you enjoy this country as much as I do, show it, please.
Do that by going to your phone right now and showing your support.
We have a great year of planning ahead of us.
We tackle the important issues, like Nazis, and to do that properly, successfully, we need your assistance.
I can’t stress enough how much we need it, because we plan on winning.
At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do.
That is the resolve of His Majesty’s Government, every man of them.
That is the will of Parliament and the nation.
The British Empire and the French Republic,
linked together in their cause and in their need,
will defend to the death their native soil,
aiding each other like good comrades
to the utmost of their strength.
We have a gift certificate from Ellen’s Bakery.
All that takes is a pledge of $25 or more. Just $25.
You will enjoy the very best brownies from Ellen’s.
An I Support England beach tote is yours at the $100 level.
It’s lovely, really. And it shows that you’re one of those folks
who doesn’t take their country for granted, but actively supports it.
Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States
have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo
and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule,
we shall not flag or fail.
But to give you the country that you like takes money. It’s not cheap.
And it’s more important than ever that you rise to the occasion and pledge.
You might think that you’ll get us next year, but there might not be a next year.
To guarantee that you have the same country you love, the same monuments,
the same great officials – who aren’t Nazis – we need you to phone in right now.
Make a pledge. We’re going to be here until we reach our financial goals.
We shall go on to the end.
We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be,
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets,
We shall fight in the hills;
We shall never surrender.
So please. Right now there are only four of our folks on the phone.
That means millions of you are holding off, waiting. Don’t wait.
We need your support.
And thank you to Anne Lancaster. She just pledged $125.
The beach tote is hers. The gift certificate to Ellen’s Bakery.
And she earns our thanks, as the kind of countryman we count on.
But still, that’s a drop in the bucket considering what we need to raise.
And even if, which I do not for a moment believe,
this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving,
then our Empire beyond the seas,
armed and guarded by the British Fleet,
would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time,
the new world, with all its power and might,
steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.
But let’s not let it get to that point.
Please, go to the phone.
It takes two minutes, and can make a world of difference.

Class Notes

Barry Bailey (’03, Theatre) and Lynda Krotz (’03, Humanities)
Barry and Lynda rushed into marriage after graduation in an underwhelming ceremony in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “A lot of people thought I was gay,” writes Barry, “but I hope to put those rumors to bed once and for all. Pun intended.” In attendance at the inaudible beachside ceremony were Mary York (’02) who lives with her parents and Ryan Sarkis (’03) who notes that the vows the couple wrote were hilariously tacky. The marriage is doomed.
Karen Anne Beezer (’01, Communications)
Founder of the university’s first improvisational comedy troupe, “Beez Neez”, Karen writes that she was emotionally devastated by her cheating son of a bitch husband Blake and is now a hollow shell. She’s raising daughter Aimee by herself and spends an inordinate amount of time pampering her cats. She’s gained 23 pounds.

Continue reading…

Now Hiring At Showtime

Showtime Networks, Inc., a premium cable network and creator of independent programming eerily similar to HBO Networks, is now accepting applications for qualified individuals for the following positions:
Job responsibilities for Director of Programming include:
-Watching HBO.
-Writing down what you see.
-Altering what you’ve written to make it gay-themed or very slightly different.
Showtime Networks prides itself on a line-up of programming that you may think you’ve seen before if you’ve seen HBO. Some of our recent hits include:
The L-Word (think ‘Sex & The City’ – but with lesbians)
Queer as Folk (think ‘Sex & The City’ – but with gay guys)
The Chris Isaak Show (think ‘Sex & The City’ – but with Chris Isaak)
Dead Like Me (think ‘Six Feet Under’ ‘ but not as good)
Applicants must have a technical school degree or higher, and must be forward-thinking individuals who like what they see on HBO, but long to do it differently. Quality is not as important is imitation, which is the sincerest form of flattery.
You should be thick-skinned and willing to accept rejection by the viewing audience.
You should be open to doing at least one show with Margaret Cho. We know. We know. Just give her something to do for a couple of hours.
Applicants must have a familiarity with Showtime Networks. This can be obtained by calling your cable company and asking them to re-connect your Showtime, or by watching HBO and imagining it done for half the cost and under the watchful eye of an unappeasable coterie of spectacular nincompoops.
The new Director of Programming at Showtime will be required to not only come up with new ideas based on HBO’s programming, but also help with existing ideas based on HBO’s programming that are currently being tossed around the boardroom. These shows include:
Curb Your Appetite (think ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm” – but with chef Emeril Lagasse)
What’d Bill Maher Talk About? (think ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’ – but the next day)
Aaaahs! (think ‘Oz’ but the main characters are cute little puppies)
Salary is negotiable and is based on what HBO is paying their programming director, minus 60%.
Please direct all resumes to:
Showtime’s Big Director of Programming Hunt
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Tourist’s Declaration of Understanding


I, ___________________________, intend to visit your country as a tourist.
In the interest of international harmony, understanding, and in order to defuse some of the potential anti-me sentiment acquired as a result of my government’s pre-emptive and unilateral policies, which I may or may not disagree with, I hereby do declare that I understand the following rules and statements herein contained, and agree to abide by and acknowledge such during my visit to your country, that we may all enjoy this experience with as little discomfort as possible.
AS A GUEST, in your country:
I understand that speaking louder does not necessarily make me more understandable.
I understand that speaking English but adding your country’s accent is not the same as speaking your country’s language. Therefore, I agree not to say things like ‘Cane you put zee luggage in zee room?’ and expect to be understood.
I understand that possession of one or two phrases does not make me fluent in your country’s language.
I promise to make an effort to speak your language, and will not begin a conversation by shouting ‘Do you speak English?’ at you.
I agree not to make audible, snide comments about your country to its inhabitants while I am located inside its borders.
I will not make mocking your piddling water pressure, bizarre toilets, warm soft drinks, corny advertisements and hyper-ineffective national healthcare program the cornerstone of my visit; however, I reserve the right to mock said things after returning home.
I will not make sweeping generalizations based on a single experience with one of your countrymen; though let’s admit French and Italian guys will harass anything with boobs.
I agree not to discuss your country’s history, politics and culture with you if my knowledge is limited to something I saw on the History Channel.
I understand that the American accent has inundated the majority of the planet through film, television and music, and therefore does not turn heads as much as a Scotsman in Cleveland would.
I agree not to laugh openly at your country’s celebrities whom I’ve never heard of.
I understand that by nature, 88% of Americans speak horribly loud. I will attempt to keep all conversations in the same decibel range as those around me. I do this (a), as a courtesy to you, and (b), to not aid any fatwa-minded Muslims in identifying the American guy.
I agree not to point at landmarks and make outrageous assumptions about their historical merit.
I understand that your food service professionals have most likely not been instructed to greet me and place beverage napkins on the table within 1 minute, serve appetizers within 7 minutes, and main courses within 16 minutes.
I admit that different countries have different takes on what a pizza and hamburger look like. I will not suggest that my version is better, no matter how strongly I feel.
I will not take a good look around your country and tell you how I would have done it.
AS A HOST, taking advantage of my terribly weak dollar:
You agree not to make me the whipping boy for my government’s policies, should you happen to disagree with them. I can provide you with an address for written protest, if desired.
You understand that my country has 280 some-odd million people in it, and that your bad experience with two American college kids in 1987 does not constitute a deep knowledge of the populace, nor a good reason to hate me before I’ve said ‘hello’ in your tongue.
You understand that if I am making an effort to speak your language, but am not quite getting the ‘r’ correct, that you will admit that you understand what I am trying to say, and not pretend to have no idea.
If I am making progress with one of the citizens of your country, and there is hook-up potential, you agree not to get jealous and try to muck things up by disparaging my homeland.
You understand that not everyone in my country lives or acts like the people in ‘Dallas’ and ‘Falcon’s Crest.’
You understand that energetically repeating the same phrase in your language will probably not help me understand it.
You understand that not-tipping is completely unnatural and hard for an American to understand, and that this habit should be appreciated rather than mocked.
You will not ask me if I know Michael Jackson personally. I do not, and if I did I would not admit it.

Signed, _______________________________.
Representative of the United States of America

Agreed to by, __________________________.
Representative of:_______________________.
[To be stapled thrice to Passport.]