Mass Historia

My friendsticle Chris Regan has a book coming out, Mass Historia: 365 Days of Historical Facts and (Mostly) Fictions. You should rush and pre-order it because it’s bound to be funny (pun intended). He’s got a very highbrow sense of humor which you can discern by checking out his website. Also, I interviewed him here many moons ago.
He wrote for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart for seven years. By the time I realized it would be okay to try and use him to get a foot in the door there he left the show. This gets a mention in my book.
We both worked on a sometimes very clever comedy show in college called The Nothing Special. Alumni from that show went on to work at Conan O’Brien, Daily Show, MAD-TV and Bill Maher. Meanwhile I panicked and went into advertising.
Amazon has his book and mine under the “better together” category, which is kind of cool.