Corn Bread & Feta Cheese @ Sage Theater

I met Elza Zagreda years ago in an improv acting class that I really didn’t need to take. I liked her straight away. Not only was she pretty on the outside, but she had a functional brain and perceivable talent on the inside – unlike many of the pretty boys and girls in the class.
I liked Elza enough to actually attend her one-woman show when she invited me. Usually when someone invites me to their one-woman/man/improv/sketch/music/puppet show I pretend I am from another country, point towards a landmark and run.
Corn Bread & Feta Cheese was originally performed in a shoe box. Very uncomfortable for me with my long legs. But her show has grown, she’s taken it out to Los Angeles, and now she’s back and at the Sage Theatre near Times Square, New York’s Las Vegas.
It should be known that Elza has played a Russian whore on Law & Order: SVU, and she’s appeared in a commercial with Carrot Top.
Corn Bread & Feta Cheese